Saturday, October 6, 2012

DIY Pretty Flower Poms

Following is a post by Hannah at We Lived Happily Ever After

Tissue Paper Party poms are really popular, (See Martha Stewart's Version below)


But I wanted to come up with something a little more durable than tissue paper. I wanted it to hold up for more than one use and not be "crushable." So instead of using tissue paper, I used regular printing paper.

Here's how we made them:

All you need to make one is:
♥ 18 sheets of colored paper (thin is fine... thick doesn't form as well)
♥ Ribbon to hang them with
♥ Time
Optional: We hang stands of glass beads from them for a flowy feel. You can also put bows and flowers on them too!
Try alternating different shades of paper (like white and pink) for a more classy feel.

They are so easy to make! If you want to make smaller ones (for variation!) just cut the paper in half (so it is 5.5"x8.5")

I'm going to hang these in in my little girls room! 



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